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Tropical Leaves

东 革 阿里 和 卡 棋 法蒂玛 用法

Tropical Leaves

3 خطوات فعالة لاستهلاك تونغكات علي
吃 通 卡阿里 的 3 个 步骤

Taking Tongkat Ali for the first time

Usually for beginners or first timers

Step 1: Yellow Tongkat Ali (1 week)

Step 2: Red Tongkat Ali (1 week)

Step 3: Black Tongkat Ali (1 week)

First week, take the Yellow Tongkat Ali to clear toxins, increase testosterone levels and energy. Higher testosterone levels (male hormones) helps with muscle building, sports endurance and higher sperm count.


Second week, take the Red Tongkat Ali for smoother blood circulation and liver cleansing. Smooth and sufficient blood flow brings oxygen to all the organs of the body, alertness to the mind and body.


Third week, take Black Tongkat Ali for maintenance and increased stamina and libido.​​

Always start in smaller doses for a beginner/first timer to build the body's tolerance to Tongkat Ali. Tongkat Ali is a strong, potent herb. Some people may have headaches or nausea when taking extremely high amounts for the first time.

After first 3 week cycle is finished

To improve all areas or a specific area

By the fourth week, you may choose to take one type of Tongkat Ali per day or mix the few types in small doses to get an overall improvement for all areas.


The first cycle is recommended for first time users to raise all levels; testosterone, blood flow and libido. After the first cycle, some will choose to mix the few types of Tongkat Ali to achieve optimal levels for all areas or some may only take one type or a Tongkat Ali combo to improve on a specific area.


The choice would be completely up to you individually.

Do refer to the end of page for more tips on consuming Tongkat Ali

Gym Instructor

If I would like to consume all 3 types of Tongkat Ali (Yellow, Red, Black) in a day, is that possible?

How do I do that? 

The short answer would be: Yes, definitely!

If you have a more active lifestyle where you play sports, workout, exercise, or generally use a lot of strength throughout the day, you may mix the different types. 

However, if you have a sedentary lifestyle, it is recommend to take one type per day. Taking more than one type per day without utilising its potency in the body, may lead to a build up of "unreleased energy", which for some will either generate more body heat (heatiness) or it would go into a 'product waste' as the body will discard it eventually.


If you are taking a single type per day, you may follow the recommended dosage on the label. If you are mixing types, you may reduce the dosage of each type to accommodate each other.


Taking in high doses for each type may not be beneficial if the body is unable to absorb it properly. Similar to taking supplements like Vitamin C in high dosages, the body will only discard it if it's unused, leading to a 'product waste'. It may also be heavy on the organs if you taking too much at one time. It is recommended to always take in a reasonable dosages. Also, whether taking a single type or mixed types, remember to always drink a lot of water as Tongkat Ali is strong herb that can be dehydrating.

Other than that, when used appropriately, you will see it doing wonders to your energy, endurance, strength, vitality, testosterone, libido and overall manhood!

3 خطوات فعالة لاستهلاك تونغكات علي
吃 通 卡阿里 的 3 个 步骤


For frequent users

For those who takes Tongkat Ali on a consistent basis

You may take one capsule of each type per day if consuming all the 3 types of Tongkat Ali; Yellow, Red, Black Tongkat Ali

This is only for those who have taken Tongkat Ali consistently. This method is not recommended for those who are just starting to take Tongkat Ali. As Tongkat Ali is a strong and powerful herb, if you were to start off with very high dosage at the start, some men may feel have stomach discomfort or feel uneasy with dizziness/headaches.

Also, if taking all 3 types in a day, please drink more water as Tongkat Ali is dehydrating and the body will naturally feel more heaty when taking Tongkat Ali in a higher dosage.

Gym Workout

For body building

For gym enthusiast, muscle builders, sports lovers

For a regime focusing on increasing higher testosterone, take Yellow and Black Tongkat Ali before any workout. You may pair the Yellow & Black Tongkat Ali with protein shakes for an increase muscle mass or if you would like to have leaner muscle mass, you may take Yellow & Black Tongkat Ali alone.


Pairing Yellow & Black Tongkat Ali with workouts will obtain the best results for muscle building.

As you increase the number of reps and weights you use in the gym, gradually increase the dosage of Tongkat Ali.

Outdoor Aerobics

For energy levels

For those who feel tired and lethargic often

Take Yellow + Red or Ginseng Tongkat Ali together.

Yellow Tongkat Ali helps to remove toxins from the body that causes the body not to function optimally. It is a natural antioxidant to help combat free radicals caused from the food we eat, environmental factors and stress.

Red and Ginseng Tongkat Ali helps to improve blood circulation. Poor blood circulation carries lesser oxygen around the body and to the brain, which causes tiredness and a lack of focus. Take Yellow and Red/Ginseng Tongkat Ali together to improve energy levels.

Movie in Bed

For libido

For sexual drive

Being low in sexual drive could be due to a few reasons; low testosterone, poor blood circulation, stress and/or illness. If you know the specific issue, you may take a specific type of Tongkat Ali to help improve the area. However, if you are unsure of the issue at hand and is looking for an overall improvement in all areas, you may take the recommended combination of 2 types of Tongkat Ali per day as below

Low in testosterone and low libido:

Yellow and Black Tongkat Ali

Poor blood circulation and low libido:

Black and Ginseng Tongkat Ali

Low testosterone, poor blood circulation and low libido:

Take 3 types per day .Yellow, Red and Black Tongkat Ali​. For this combination, the easiest would be to consume in capsule form, which would require you to take one capsule of the recommended type per day. Do consume more water when taking in higher dosage

Stressed Man

For improving male issues

For Andropause, Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation & Prostatitis

Take Yellow and Black Tongkat Ali for at least 6 months daily in 1gm dosage (combination of both) either in capsule or extract form. Yellow Tongkat Ali helps in increasing testosterone levels while Black Tongkat Ali aids in libido issues. Low testosterone levels are one of the reasons for any of the issues above.

Outdoors Yoga Class

For general health

For improving overall health

Aside from the many benefits that Tongkat Ali helps with men's health, it also has many other health benefits that people can take for general health or to help with healing certain ailments.

Yellow Tongkat Ali: Helps with lowering high blood pressure, high sugar levels and gout. It also acts as an antioxidant to improve the immune system against allergies and cold/flu

Red Tongkat Ali: Helps with clearing toxins in the liver, especially for those with fatty liver due to high cholesterol or have heavy alcohol consumption 

Black and Ginseng Tongkat Ali: Helps with improving overall oxygen in the blood and improving blood circulation

3 خطوات فعالة لاستهلاك تونغكات علي
吃 通 卡阿里 的 3 个 步骤


اتبع الدورة العادية

100% pure, original Tongkat Ali. No mixture of other ingredients

3-4 أسابيع على الأقل لكل نوع للحصول على أفضل النتائج


تحسين قضايا الذكور

100% pure, original Tongkat Ali/Kacip Fatimah. No mixture of other ingredients

خذ Yellow Tongkat Ali لمدة 3-6 أشهر على الأقل. يساعد تونغكات علي الأصفر في زيادة مستويات هرمون التستوستيرون. يعد انخفاض هرمون التستوستيرون أحد أسباب أي من المشكلات المذكورة أعلاه

Yellow, Red, Black Tongkat Ali & Kacip Fatimah Capsule

زيادة مستويات الطاقة

100% pure, original Tongkat Ali/Kacip Fatimah. No mixture of other ingredients

خذ Yellow + Red Tongkat Ali. الأصفر لإزالة السموم من الجسم التي تسبب التعب. الأحمر لتحسين تدفق الدم. ينقل الدم السميك كمية أقل من الأكسجين في الجسم + إلى الدماغ. إذا كنت تريد معززًا إضافيًا للطاقة ، فتناول جينسينج تونجكات علي مع أنواع أخرى من تونجكات علي في نفس اليوم. ومع ذلك ، تفصل بينهما 3-4 ساعات


تحسين قضايا الذكور

100% pure, original Tongkat Ali/Kacip Fatimah. No mixture of other ingredients

خذ Yellow Tongkat Ali لمدة 3-6 أشهر على الأقل. يساعد تونغكات علي الأصفر في زيادة مستويات هرمون التستوستيرون. يعد انخفاض هرمون التستوستيرون أحد أسباب أي من المشكلات المذكورة أعلاه

Tea Sachets 2

تحسين قضايا الذكور

100% pure, original Tongkat Ali/Kacip Fatimah. No mixture of other ingredients

خذ Yellow Tongkat Ali لمدة 3-6 أشهر على الأقل. يساعد تونغكات علي الأصفر في زيادة مستويات هرمون التستوستيرون. يعد انخفاض هرمون التستوستيرون أحد أسباب أي من المشكلات المذكورة أعلاه


تحسين قضايا الذكور

100% pure, original Tongkat Ali/Kacip Fatimah. No mixture of other ingredients

خذ Yellow Tongkat Ali لمدة 3-6 أشهر على الأقل. يساعد تونغكات علي الأصفر في زيادة مستويات هرمون التستوستيرون. يعد انخفاض هرمون التستوستيرون أحد أسباب أي من المشكلات المذكورة أعلاه

2 in 1 Tongkat Ali Coffee

تحسين قضايا الذكور

100% pure, original Tongkat Ali with coffee

خذ Yellow Tongkat Ali لمدة 3-6 أشهر على الأقل. يساعد تونغكات علي الأصفر في زيادة مستويات هرمون التستوستيرون. يعد انخفاض هرمون التستوستيرون أحد أسباب أي من المشكلات المذكورة أعلاه

Kacip Fatimah Leaves & Roots 500gms

تحسين قضايا الذكور

100% pure, original Kacip Fatimah. No mixture of other ingredients

خذ Yellow Tongkat Ali لمدة 3-6 أشهر على الأقل. يساعد تونغكات علي الأصفر في زيادة مستويات هرمون التستوستيرون. يعد انخفاض هرمون التستوستيرون أحد أسباب أي من المشكلات المذكورة أعلاه

3 خطوات فعالة لاستهلاك تونغكات علي
吃 通 卡阿里 的 3 个 步骤

كيف تستهلك شريحة تونغكات علي؟

如何 食用 东 革 阿里 片؟

كيف تستهلك مسحوق Tongkat Ali & Kacip Fatimah؟

如何 食用 东 革 阿里和 卡 棋 法蒂玛粉؟

كيف تستهلك مستخلص تونغكات علي وكاسيب فاطمة؟

如何 食用 东 革 阿里和 卡 棋 法 蒂 精华؟

3 خطوات فعالة لاستهلاك تونغكات علي
吃 通 卡阿里 的 3 个 步骤

للحصول على أفضل النتائج ، خذ نوعًا واحدًا في كل مرة. يفضل نوع واحد في اليوم أو لمدة زمنية (أسابيع / أشهر) للحصول على نتائج أفضل. لا ينصح بخلط كل تونغكات علي معًا عند تناولها. إذا كنت ترغب في الخلط في نفس اليوم ، فتأكد من فصلهما 5-6 ساعات

اشرب المزيد من الماء عند تناول تونجكات علي لتجنب الجفاف

لا تخلط الأدوية التي وصفها الطبيب عند تناول تونجكات علي. إذا كنت تتناول الدواء ، فيرجى استشارة الطبيب قبل تناول تونجكات علي. أولئك الذين يعانون من مشاكل في القلب ، لا ينصح بأخذ تونغكات علي. الفيتامينات والمكملات الغذائية جيدة

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